
Do I Need Spiritual Direction or Therapy? (with Ashley Cermak)

🎧 Episode #1 of the Recovering Catholic podcast

Welcome to the officially official launch of the Recovering Catholic podcast! We are joined by Ashley Cermak, a mental health counselor with the Martin Center for Integration.

Time stamps:

  • 2:20—New Year’s Resolutions (shout-out to the creators of Abiding Together,

    , Heather Khym and Sister Miriam James Heidland, for their “word of the year” exercise)

  • 7:32—Our experience discerning religious life

  • 20:03—Becoming a counselor and getting out of the “Catholic bubble”

  • 30:25—The rise in perfectionism and fear among people of faith

  • 35:00—Freedom through our emotions

  • 40:53—Free will and discernment

    ✨Join us for the rest of the conversation—become a paid subscriber for the cost of one hardcover book ($30) a year.✨

  • 47:55—Do I need spiritual direction or therapy?

  • 53:31—Why is being seen so healing?

  • 1:01:03—The hazards of overspiritualization

  • 1:06:12—Can we lean too heavily on mental health?

To learn more about the Martin Center, visit their website.

This post is for paid subscribers